2006 Fee Schedule for Services Provided:
Design and Drafting Services for a Custom Single Family Residence, consisting of the following:
The fee for all of the above ................................................................................................... $ 1.25 / Sq.Ft. of Living Area
Six sets of blueline prints ( Normal quantity of prints ) ...................................................................... approx. $150.00
California Energy Commission's Title -24 Compliance Forms for a Single Family Residence .............. $250.00
The above three services are what makes up a standard set of house plans.
( Typical example ): 2000Sq.Ft. house @ $1.25/Sq.Ft................................................... = $ 2,500.00
13 Pages of drawings X 6 Sets = 78 Sheets @ $1.75/Sheet... = $ 136.50
Title -24 Compliance Forms........................................................... = $ 250.00
TOTAL ( this example )............. $ 2,886.50
Fees for Design and Drafting Services are quoted on an individual basis and are site specific for the following:
- Room Additions
- Remodelling
- Barns
- Non-Residential Buildings
California Energy Commission's Title -24 Compliance Forms for Non-Residencial Projects................ $500.00
We work in association with D. R. Ketron, P.E., Civil Engineer. Should any aspect of the project require engineering, Mr. Ketron will become involved in the planning and design of the project. His fees are quoted on an individual basis.